An ADHD assessment explores concerns around your child's levels of attention, concentration, organization, impulsivity, and/or hyperactivity. A social-emotional assessment examines areas of emotional concern (e.g., anxiety and depression) and/or behavioural challenges. These assessments ​​do not include formal testing of cognitive or academic abilities. It is important to note that, depending on the results of the assessment, formal testing may be recommended to further explore areas of concern. These assessments include:
A 50 minute parent/guardian intake interview
A teacher interview (optional)
An interview with your child
A review of report cards and any previous assessment reports, if applicable
Completion of rating scales
A feedback meeting to go over results
A detailed written report with all results
Recommendations on how you and your child's school can support their functioning by enhancing their strengths and helping them overcome areas of concern.
Adult ADHD Assessments are also available. At this time, ADHD and social/emotional assessments can be completed in-person or virtually, depending on your preference.