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Join date: Jun 28, 2022


If You Don'T Have Asthma And Use An Inhaler

Your reliever inhaler is usually blue. You only use it when your symptoms are getting worse or youre having an asthma attack. Your reliever inhaler treats asthma symptoms quickly when they come on. Your preventer inhaler comes in different colours. You use it every day as prescribed to prevent asthma symptoms.

If you have a pMDI, you need to breathe in slow and steady. At the same time, press the canister on the inhaler once. Continue to breathe in slowly over 3 to 4 seconds, until your lungs feel full. If you have a dry powder inhaler you need to breathe in quickly and deeply until your lungs feel full, to be sure you inhale all the medicine Asthma

If You Don'T Have Asthma And Use An Inhaler - Discount Place

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